Sunday, September 18, 2011

What will (hopefully) be in my mods for 1.8


  • What I'm trying to add is a new dimension, which would be the future. In the future almost everything is either chrome or iron.

  • I also want to add magnetite ore. Magnetite ore would commonly drop useless magnetite, but, if you're lucky, it will drop lodestone. Lodestone can be thrown at mobs and the mob will fly to the first uncovered block with a material of iron (in a certain radius).

New Way to Diamonds

  • Instead of a recipe, to get diamonds from carbon stone, you will have to put it above a block of bedrock and underneath a block of iron for a certain period of time, then when that time is over the block will adopt a different texture and when you mine it you will get 1-2 diamonds and some carbon.

There will be nothing new for TNT Ore, though because I don't have any ideas of what I could add.